We are maintaining a group of scientists from all over the globe to provide better assistance for our clients. List of Research Advisory Committee Members
Area of Research Phytochemical Studies, Infectious Diseases, Medicinal Plants.
Area of Research Plant Biotechnology.
Area of Research Microbial Biotechnology,Enzyme Technology.
Area of Research Immunology
Area of Research Reproduction Biology.
Area of Research Specialization Biotechnology.
Area of Research Specialization Biotechnology.
Area of Research NanoBiotechnology
Area of Research Nanotechnology
He has done his Ph.D. in Engineering specialized in “Food Technology” at CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI), Mysore, India. He has grown academically as B.Tech. (Biotechnology) from Bharathidasan University and M.Tech. (Food Technology) from Anna University. He has work experience in Post-Doctoral Fellow at School of Food Science and Biotechnology, Zhejiang Gongshang University, China. He has received the prestigious CSIR-Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) from CSIR, Govt. of India for his doctoral work. He has also a recipient of a funded major research project from DST, Govt. of India. His research interests include Food nanotechnology, Food colloids, Encapsulation of bioactives, Digestion and Biopolymers. The research accomplishments include 2210 citations with 13 h-index and a cumulative impact factor of 122.046. He has published 30 articles in peer-reviewed international journals and publishers with total impact factor of 120, 9 book chapters, granted international patents (Germany and China), 1 national patent. Further, He supervised JRF, undergraduate (B.Tech.) and a Master student on the development of functional food product and oral benefits of food emulsions. He serves as an academic editor in J. of Food Processing and Preservation, Int. J. of Food Science, J. of Food Quality, J. of Nanotechnology and Editorial Board Member for BMC Biotechnology, apart from being a Guest Editor in Discover Foods and Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Springer Nature.